To address the multiple dependencies required (and optional) for VTK, we recommend installing the build dependencies of ParaView prior to building Slicer:.If you are building the Slicer-Dependent version of TubeTK, you must build Slicer from source:.If you are building the Stand-Alone version of TubeTK, you do not need to build Slicer.Sudo apt-get install libgtkmm-2.4-dev glade-gtk2 libglademm-2.4-devĬmake. Assuming an older version of cmake is already installed, and you want to install v3.4.1, do the following: The linux installation from source is easiest.The Mac/Windows binaries can be downloaded from.This build format has the following steps: This build format is tested nightly on Windows, OS X, and Linux machines. TubeTK methods are available from within the Slicer application against which it is built.TubeTK produces a set of libraries and command-line programs that can be used to process images from the command line and to build other applications.It uses a compiled version of Slicer to provide its dependencies.